this morning we head out to the high seas. We are scheduled to leave at 10am.
It is now 9:30 and I am beginning to feel very nervous. The last couple of days
heave been good. We have managed to do a lot of sailing and find time to relax
as well. I should back up a bit and fill you in on where we have been.
night before last we stayed in a town called Roscoff, France. It was a brand
new marina. As we arrived we noticed there was a large race going on. All of
the racers were from around the world. A lot of them were very cute. I
especially thought the guy with the boat named Full Irish was handsome! The
racers all came in at different times. Every time a new boat arrived they would
sound a horn. The race did not end till about 2 am. At first I thought the
sound of the horn was annoying but then as I laid in bed I thought how
wonderful that all of them made it safe and sound!
the morning I was sent into town to collect some supplies...mainly French
went to go get onto the free shuttle bus into town but the driver said I would
not find what I was looking for. So I decided to walk and find out for myself.
It was a beautiful day to walk and I got to see a lot of the town. There were a
lot to of people in town for the race and I even recognized a couple of the
racers from there photos. I was able to collect some bread from a local
Brassarie. It is so fresh I love it! Upon returning from the town the
same bus driver honked at me and picked me up. I think he felt bad when he realized
I had walked. He did not speak any English but he was very sweet.
I reached the boat Joseph and Peter were ready to head to the next port.
arrived here in L'Aber wrac'h , France at about 10pm. It was a nice easy sail.
Not many bumps and smooth all the way. We have some of the best internet here.
I was so grateful to get to talk to my folks as well as Jeb and Wendy. I will
be out of touch till about Friday. We are leaving in about 15 minutes to start
our journey across the Bay of Biscay. It should take us about 3 days. I am
extremely confident in the crew I am traveling with but still very nervous
being on a boat for 3 days straight. Joseph has downlowded some movies for me
because I have managed to read all of the books I brought with me. It is probably
the most reading I have done since high School. I am really looking forward to
all the dolphins that everyone keeps refering to. Supposubly they will swim
with the boat in Biscay. The weather is looking extremely favorable. I just
keep reminding myself that after these days at sea I will get to sea Allison
and Kate in Protugal. I can't wait for warmer weather and friends that speak
English! I have been working on my Portugease as well as my Spanish.
am feeling so nervous and excited all at the same time. Please please say a
prayer for us to have safe passage.
and dad- I am going to be fine! I love and miss you very much! Can't wait to
see everyone in July!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
everyone at home is healthy, happy, and safe!