Excited does not even come close to how Joseph and I were feeling about our upcoming nuptials. We went to Kefalonia about a month before the wedding in late August to do some organizing before our guests arrived. We met with our wedding planner Rachael from Cephalonia Concierge and put the finishing touches on our wedding. We enjoyed some great nights out with Rachael and her husband Kostes. She took us to some great night clubs and bars.
Joseph really let his hair down that night and partied himself straight into the Adirondack chairs. We went to Katavatros an outdoor night club right on the water. The venue was amazing and the guest DJ from France did not even get going till 4am...way past our bedtime!
Guest DJ...he was amazing!
After a week or so in Kefalonia we decided we should head north to Nydri. Now remember we are in the Ionian Islands of Greece. the landscape is very green and lush, just beautiful. The weather continues to be very hot and the sea water is getting warmer by the day. We decided to go North around the west side of Kefalonia to get to Nydri. we had a lovely sail.
We were able to get in contact with our good friends Jay and Olga through Facebook. They joined us for an overnight and we explored Scorpios island...famous for its connection to Jackio. Below is a picture of the rules and law?! Now the island is rented by a Russian millionaire. Yes, rented for 50 years. The island is beautiful. But you are not allowed to go on it. We anchored off the beach and went for a swim. The water was so clear.
After having a great day sailing and relaxing we headed into an anchorage and went ashore for some delicious fish. Dinner was full of laughs as we had had a full day on Zimbabalooba!
The fish with Jay & Olga
The fish with us...
The Next day we went back to Nydri. Instead of saying goodbye Olga and Jay insisted that we join them in Preveza and go out with some friends and Olga's sister. We jumped in the car with them and brought our laundry of course and headed for Preveza. we had an awesome night out drinking and chatting. We even went to Sardine festival in the town. there was eating, drinking, and dancing in the streets. It was a blast!
Olga and Joseph eating sardines...
The following morning Olga and Jay drove with us to Parga which is north of Preveza. Now, I had been here before when Jay and Olga had gotten married years before but it was all new to Joseph and he loved it. We hiked up to the top of a castle that looks down on the whole harbor...it is amazing!
The walk back down from the castle...
I have been wanting to try the fish eating my feet thing for a while now. on our way down from the castle, I treated myself to a quick fish feet eating session. The feeling was not as creepy as I thought it was going to be, in fact my feet did come out smoother.
We ended the day with a great dinner at a local tarvana. We truly enjoyed our time with Jay and Olga and hope to see them on Zim real soon! ( maybe Caribbean...2015)!!!!