So I am trying to get better about blogging everyday but there is to much to do! Joseph got two collapsible bikes of Craigslist Holland. They are great little bikes. The couple in which we acquired them from were lovely. The wifes name was Anne...she and I had a good laugh about that! The bikes looked brand new, so I asked her how often they rode them and she said only 5 or 6 times! Then I asked her if she rode to work. She said they were in there 70's and didn't work! I was shocked cause she looked so young.
Yesterday was a tough day here in Enkhuizen, I woke up so grumpy and depressed. Joseph suggested a cycle! We went into the town on our bikes. The roads here are very narrow and you are not allowed to ride on the sidewalks, only the road. They do not wear helmets. Yesterday I saw a woman with three kids on her one bike and she had groceries. I could get used to riding the bike all the time but not sure I could manage with kids on it.
As we rode around town I began to notice that each house had a different way of decorating there front window. Some windows were filled with plants and others had figurines. I did not have my camera with me but i will take some pictures later. It was very interesting to look into all of these different homes with very very old brick on the outside and very modern furnishings on the inside. Almost every house has a bike or bikes parked outfront.
I am including some pictures from our bike ride today.
This is the Dam between the northern lake and the southern lake near Amsterdam. In the middle you can see the lock that allows you to travel between the two lakes.
wow! i thought i was pretty good to have a bike with a baby seat, but 4 people on a bike with groceries! hahaha. miss you. write more about the people that you miss please! xoxo