In the morning we got a call from a old friend. He and some other guests were in a nearby island of Hydra and he wanted us to make the 45 mile trip to come and see him. We had wanted to see Hydra but it's a little busy in summer and people don't always know what they are doing so it can result in lots of problems and damage. It was a butterfly kind of day and at times we were cruising over 7 and 1/2 knots ... not bad in 12 knots of wind.
As we pulled up, we saw just how beautiful the place is and why so many come to see it. No cars are allowed on the island and the place is like a step back in time. The little harbor port can only accommodate a few boats so we moored up long side Magnus on the outside ... not something we might have done if we were alone .. as the water is 30 meters deep (100 feet) and we have just enought anchor to do it ...
Lasca in the foreground and Zim in the background. Two old friends back together. Before we left Marmaris we were tied up alongside Magnus for a few days while we finished off a few jobs on the boat.
No cars means donkeys ... amazing is watch.
Magnus had his "younger" brother Richard and two friends Aft and Olif, the parents of Gustoff on board, and they prepared dinner for all of us. We had duck that they had shot and brought with them from their farm in Switzerland, What a meal we had... Wendy said she didn't want to eat duck because she liked ducks and usually feeds them bread. I think it was the best food since I left America.
Matt and Jen enjoying the break ...
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