Friday, August 23, 2013

Ibiza and beyond...

We made it to the islands! The last two weeks have been great. I have really enjoyed my time with Jeb and Wendy and did not realize just how much I miss them! (tears). Well the last few weeks have not been uneventful. In fact there had been lots going on.

Ibiza ... great anchoring

Wendy scubing with Joseph...

We traveled 80 miles from the Spanish mainland to reach the islands. I have always wanted to go to Ibiza I just never imaged it would be on a boat with two kids. The first night we anchored in a beautiful little cove. We went snorkeling  and watched the movie Croods on the computer. It was a very nice night. The following day we made our way down the coast towards Cala Blanco another anchorage. As we arrived to drop anchor our engine wires got hot and started a small smokey spark. Joseph was wonderful in reacting. He was able to cool down the wires and we spent the night in the cove. The following day a charter captain from Valencia gave us a tow out of the cove and we sailed all the way to Puerto De San Antonio. We spent two nights in port and regrouped. Joseph and the mechanic replaced all the wires and we were up and running again. I am so grateful that Joseph is an electrical engineer and able to fix so much. He truly has everyone's safety in mind when we are on the boat.

The kids were great and very patient as we waited in port. We went to the beach and checked out San Antonio. I could not get over the amount of young English people who were there. They were all drinking so much...and just is Ibiza!

We have now reached Mallorca and it is beautiful here! We have been swimming and exploring the island. Wendy is a natural snorkeler and Jeb loves checking out all the fish. We feed them old bread and the fish swarm around the boat. It is really like being in heaven! I am feeling very blessed and looking forward to being home with my family for the week. 

Hope everyone at home is healthy, happy, and safe!

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